Individual music lessons - code MU20-01

Do you want to learn how to play an instrument? We offer professional lessons with flexible times on your demands. Buy ten lessons and decide yourself when to take them - once a week, more often, less often, at our workshop, or in your own home (at most 30 kilometers from Braås).

We can teach you how to play these instruments:

  • Recorder
  • Clarinett
  • Saxophone
  • Bassoon
  • Violin
  • Cello
  • Double bass
  • Piano


10 lessons á 30 minutes at Ullbjörnen's workshop, youth up to 21 years: 3 000,- SEK
10 lessons á 30 minutes in your home, youth up to 21 years: 4 000,- SEK
10 lessons á 30 minutes at Ullbjörnen's workshop, adult: 5 000,- SEK
10 lessons á 30 minutes in your home, adult: 6 000,- SEK

Please note that we can't provide you with instruments. Those you need to acquire yourself, but of course we can help you to find what you need.

Please make your booking via email: or phone: 0046 729 724667
Add the course code MU20-01, your name and adress, and which instrument you would like to play. Then we will agree about the rest.